Olivia Milberg
Olivia Milberg was born in Buenos Aires in 1992. She has published Cuarenta gotas diluidas en dos dedos de agua (Promesa, 2022) and Lobo de mar (Añosluz, 2019), which received an honorable mention from the National Arts Fund in 2019. Her work appears in anthologies such as En el pabellón de la oreja (Elemento Disruptivo, 2024), Otras nosotras mismas (Aguaviva, 2020), Les Poetas, winner of the Poetry Prize at the Buenos Aires Biennial 2019 (Gog & Magog, 2019), and Celofán 2 (La Carretilla Roja, 2018). She researched and co-produced the contemporary Paraguayan poetry series Lengua Roja de Cebú (National University of the Arts, Critique of Arts, 2023). As part of the group Los Tenedores, she presented El mundo obedecía, poesía expandida (TVL rec) in 2020.