Romina Freschi
Romina Freschi was born in Buenos Aires. She received her BA in Literature from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Her publications include redondel (Siesta, 1998), Estremezcales (tsé tsé, 2000), Petróleo (EloÍsa Latinoamericana, 2002), El-Pe-Yo (Paradiso, 2003), as well as the chapbooks Soleros (BAND, 1998), Incrustraciones en confite (Self-published, 1999), Villa Ventana (Arte Plegable, 2003), 3/3/3 (Proveedo- ra de Droga, 2005), Solaris (pájarosló editora, 2007), Variaciones de Órbita (pájarosló, 2010), Quien siem-pre gana es Poseidón (Tocadesata, 2011), Ejercicio Cósmico (Los poetas del 5 ed. Chile, 2011) and Eco del parque (Juana Ramirez, 2016). She has received a Fundación Antorchas grant, and in 2004 and 2006 she received grants from the Argentine government for her literary magazine Plebella. Her collaborative projects include the group Zapatos Rojos, the multispace Cabaret Voltaire, and the project Living de la Poesía. She is editor of the collection Arte Plegable and the independent publishing house pájarosló editora.