Another Life

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Another Life - Front Cover.jpg

Another Life


Daniel Lipara, translated by Robin Myers

Another Life, Daniel Lipara’s subtle and shimmering debut, is a family history, an intimate epic, a travel story, and an initiation. Both meditative and cinematic, engaging both playfully and ardently with the Odyssey and Alice Oswald’s Memorial, this book chronicles a constellation of relatives pushed into the light by the centripetal force of death. Another Life is less elegy than eulogy, summoning a vibrant range of voices and tones—caustic, tender, solemn, ecstatic—to praise the many lives that fit inside each and every one of us.


"A vivid, evocative account of family, place and memory, through Homeric poetry and myth, beautifully translated by Robin Myers.” —Emily Wilson, translator of the Odyssey

Review at Asyptote

Poetry, English & Spanish

Publication date: September 7, 2021

ISBN-13: 978–1–732936–36–2

Format: Softcover, 96 Pages, 9"x6"

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